What's your number

How To Spot Quiet Quitting In Relationships

They seem far away even when they're nearThere are a number of reasons why your partner seems inattentive. You can go ahead and ask if they have a lot on their mind, and if they want to share with you.

Four Ways To Minimize Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur for a number of reasons, such as conditions like alopecia, medical treatments, or simply just from aging.

Music: Tony Wenom - Bembe

His latest offering 'BEMBE' is an afro-pop number; crafted by the prolific GospelOnDeBeatz and would sure keep you stuck to your replay button. Listen & share.

6 Things Woman Find Very Difficult To Resist In A Man

What I don't mean by this is having a six-pack or sculpted arms. For the most part, men should appear physically fit and in control of their bodies. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with what I've just said.
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