the taste of money

Why do you want to get married?

She was either judging them based on their appearance, fashion taste, money status or background. This type of lifestyle has endeared her only to rich men who sweep her off her feet with lies and pretense.

6 signs your boyfriend is a gold digger

Love can sometimes blind us to the harsh realities of our relationships, including the shocking revelation that your boyfriend might be more interested in your money than your heart.

Why I Am Not Signed To Any Label - Waje

I might not be able to give out money, but I advise and mentor many of them. "I do not see new talents as threats to me; I even think it is a blessing that we have them.

Lyrics: Falz - After All Said and Done

hope You sell faith You sell dreams to get paid Na congregation money But dem no go see percentage [Outro] ...inside the church having succeeded in driving away the pastor Some of the members spoke on what could have caused the show of shame
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