the tales of an ancient empire

What Killed Alexander the Great?

Alexander died at a young age despite his successes, leaving behind a mighty empire that would eventually be divided among his generals. So what killed this mighty king of the ancient Greek world? Who Is Alexander the Great?

Who Controlled Jerusalem the Longest?

The Dome of the Rock was built on the site where the Jewish temple once stood near to the church of the Holy Sepulchre in 691 CE and it stands to this very day, marking an important turning point in the history of Jerusalem.

Top 10 oldest African countries

The oldest African countries represent a tapestry of ancient civilizations that have left an indelible mark on the continent's history. Today, Africa boast 54 countries with borders that are much different than its original regions.

The Benin Prince who founded Ile-Ife

When we sift out fables about men like the first son of Osanobua and Oduduwa dropping from heaven and of the Benin or Ile-Ife being the centre and cradles of the world, what we have left are factual stories of ancient men who migrated from other

10 of History's Most Badass Female Warlords Ever

For his ancient district known as Caria, southwest Anatolia (today, it forms part of the Asian part of Turkey), he entrusted Artemisia I with the title of queen after the death of her husband.

27 of the World's Biggest Unsolved Mysteries

Where were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon > When: 1st century B.C. > Where: Modern-day Iraq Ancient writers describe these gardens as one of the wonders of the world, with hanging plants cultivated on four floors of terraces.

History of Kaduna State

One of Kaduna state's oldest traditional buildings is the palace of the empire of Zazzau. Furthermore, sports like football, golf, swimming, traditional wrestling, and handball are all performed in Kaduna State.
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