sky high school

The life story of Toni Payne, the Super Falcon's player

The formative years Diving into Toni Payne's stats during her high school years would reveal a budding talent ready to take on the world. Her foundational years at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, were transformative.

How unwashed water storage tanks turn disease reservoirs

The tank is so high up in the sky and it will be difficult. One time, a man said he would wash it, but others opposed it, saying no one should pour a detergent into the tank in the name of washing it; it has just been chaotic," she added.

4 Miracle Prophecies Christians Should Know about Israel

The Prophecy of Israel's Miraculous Restoration - Part 2May 14, 1948, Israel's declaration day of independence, I was playing high school football. Little did I realize the impact of that moment-God's fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
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