Do it with you

How To Deal with a Stubborn Child

Have consistent rules for all your children, and do not be lax just because you find it convenient. Empathise with them - never dismiss their feelings or ideas.

5 questions you should ask before marriage

You don't want to end up with someone who will have problems with the path you've chosen to follow, especially your career. In reciprocal, ask what your partner also wants to do with his or her life.

Why I attacked Azpilicueta - Ibrahimovic

You don't have balls to do it against me. But I will show you what happens if you do it to me. "That's why I did it. What can he say?' "He will not say it to me but he will say it to my player - who will do nothing because he's too nice.

Tips for finding focus in business

Just do it Close your door, turn off your phone, clear your desk and get started. Put a sign outside your office door with something like, “If it’s not bleeding, burning or quitting, tell me tomorrow.”

5 Things To Note While Going On A Date

You are wondering what you should do or not do because you do not want to spoil your reputation with that man/woman, here are some tips on what you should never do on a date: Avoid latenessAs humans, being late to any outing shows we don't take
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