the under water

Health benefits of cloves

Allow the cloves to steep in the water for about 5-10 minutes, depending on how strong you want the flavor. Remove the cloves or strain the liquid to remove them. If desired, add a touch of honey or a squeeze of lemon for added flavor.

Five ways to detect fake naira notes

If you scratch the gold foil of a fake note it will peel off instantly but the gold foil on the original note does not peel. Use water or other liquid You can differentiate fake currency from the original by using water or other liquid.

Lady caught trying to dispose her baby

The video's caption stated, "A lady was caught while trying to abandon a baby at Alalubosa GRA in Ibadan, and then she started displaying behavior resembling someone under the influence of alcohol.

Akpors da great

played russianROULETTE with fully loadedclip & survived...kill ed Superman, held my breathe under water for 2 months,3weeks, 6hrs, 51mins,45second s, assassinated Adolf Hitler, John .F kennedy, Tupac, Abacha # :-s ( dlist is too long!)
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