7 reasons women don't get wet even when aroused

Have you ever wondered why some women don't get wet even when they are aroused? Similar to how erections are for men, a woman's natural lubrication is frequently a sign of arousal. A woman's arteries widen during sexual arousal, so more blood flow travels

You can get any girl's number with these 7 tips

This guide is all about real conversations, no tricks. Now, we're not talking about cheesy pick-up lines or forced moves. This is about being your genuine self and making a real connection. Whether you're at a café, a party, or just out and about, these seven

7 signs if God wants you to be with someone

Love is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it can feel confusing. You might meet someone amazing and feel an instant connection, but then a nagging voice whispers, "Is this the one?" Perhaps you wonder if this person is part of God's plan for your life, and

7 useful tips to help you get rid of ingrown hairs

Dealing with ingrown hairs can be frustrating. Ingrown hairs are a common skin issue where hairs curl back or grow sideways into the skin, causing redness, irritation, and sometimes painful bumps. They are more common in people with curly or coarse hair but

Parents bury 7-year-old son alive for not knowing the Bible

A seven-year-old boy has died after he was allegedly buried alive by his own parents for not knowing the Bible. Little Ethan Hauschultz was reportedly buried in 'his own little coffin of snow' while in the care of court-appointed guardians Timothy and Tina

Here are 7 things your partner does not need to know about you

Here are the things you really should not be telling that your boyfriend or girlfriend if you intend to keep the relationship going. Here are things you really should not be talking to your partner about. [Credit: Black Excellence] Of course, very relationship

EFCC releases Omisore, to charge ex-deputy gov for N4.7bn fraud

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on Friday released a former Deputy Governor of Osun State, Senator Iyiola Omisore, after 19 days in detention. It was learnt that Omisore was released on bail by the commission after meeting his bail conditions.
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