a time to heal

9 Signs To Know That You Have Vitamin C Deficiency

Your Wounds Take Time To Heal Ordinarily, minor wounds don't take time to heal up. In fact, it shouldn't be more than 3 to 7 days before it start healing up. however, when it is taking weeks to heal.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber official back together again

They told the publication: "He has been going to church every week and spends all his time with his pastor Carl Lentz - Carl has been encouraging 'reconciliation' between the two - to heal their friendship at least - and Justin basically has

8 Ways to Successfully Deal with Heartbreak

Establish Boundaries: In the aftermath of a breakup, establishing clear and healthy boundaries is essential to protect your emotional well-being. Consider minimizing contact with your ex-partner to allow yourself space and time to heal.

I almost lost my son 3 weeks ago - Tonto Dikeh

Tonto Dikeh has had a terrible time these past 3 weeks but the worst is over and she's taken to Instagram to narrate how she almost lost her only child. The actress said he was so sick that they had to be placed on admission in hospital.

Why Your Vàgina Becomes Too Tight

Whether it is caused by intercourse, a mishap with intercourse toy, or a tear during childbirth, it is important to allow the pelvic or genital wound to fully heal before engaging in intercourse.
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