
Marvel's 'The Eternals' teaser is a total blast (Watch)

The long-hyped film, directed by Chloé Zhao, focuses on a group of superhuman beings that have guided humanity for years. Now, they come together to battle The Deviants, and to answer important questions like who will lead the Avengers.

Music: TY Bello - Land of Promise (It is Well)

A comforting song with a sound that resonates across humanity itself. In her own words, she writes. "I finished writing this song on my travel to the destroyed parts of Northern Nigeria.

Nigeria has a lot of problems - US

"The message is simple - harmony and humanity - because music brings peace to people and we are hoping that through music we can also bring peace to Nigeria.

I became president by accident - Obasanjo

I became one by accident, but the love of my people, love for my country and humanity made it something that I am coming into". The former president, therefore, said that politicians must aspire to go into politics to serve.

Music: Falz - Talk

Below are his words behind this new jam; 'There is a dire need for us to redefine the concept of humanity and morality. There is a pressing need for re-education and re-orientation of the people.
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