the 4th republic

Gernot Rohr 'constructs special cage' for Eagles in Abidjan

The Super Eagles will have to dig deep in their quest to overpower Coach Gernot Rohr and his Benin Republic team as match Day 4 of the 2026 • As Benin Republic beat Rwanda 1-0 • Lesotho defeat Zimbabwe 2-0 The Super Eagles will have to dig deep

2022 World Cup qualifying matches round-up from Wednesday

Croatia lost to Slovenia and Turkey edged a six-goal thriller; 4-2 against three-time World Cup runners-up, the Netherlands. There were also important wins for Serbia and the Czech Republic against Ireland and Estonia respectively.

10 African countries with the highest number of migrants

Below are 10 African countries with the highest number of international migrants:[th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]International migrant (in millions)[/th] 1 South Africa 2.86 2 Côte d'Ivoire 2.56 3 Uganda 1.72 4 Sudan 1.38 5 Nigeria 1.31 6

10 countries with the best food situation in Africa

[th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]Food inflation% (January 2023)[/th] [th]Food inflation% (current)[/th] 1. Seychelles 3.1 -2.9 2. Benin -1.9 -2.6 3. Somalia 6.7 -2.1 4. Mali 7.7 -1.1 5. Burkina Faso 10.9 -1.1 6.

Top 10 richest mineral-producing countries in Africa

[th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]Predominant resources[/th] [th]Annual mineral production[/th] 1. South Africa Gold, Manganese, Platinium, others $124.96 billion 2. Nigeria Oil, Iron Ore, Columbite, others $52.69 billion 3.

Top 10 African countries with the largest labor force

With that said, here are the 10 countries in Africa with the largest labor force according to Global Firepower. [th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]Labor Force[/th] 1. Nigeria 65,116,000 2. Ethiopia 56,664,000 3.

Lion devours schoolboy in Benin zoo

A 14-year-old 4th grade school boy has been killed by a lion in a private zoo in Bohicon, Benin Republic. The sad incident occurred on the 6th of March, 2018, when the boy was trying to carry out a maintenance check on their cage.
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