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Men Love It When You Tell Them Any of These 5 Things

1. Thank You. Men like it when you say "thank you" for the things they do. It shows you notice and appreciate their efforts, whether it's fixing something or helping with a task. 2. You Look Great. Complimenting their appearance makes men feel good. Whether

For men: 6 things you are doing that is lowering your sperm count

Research has shown that modern men's sperm is coming up short. A Hebrew University research revealed that sperm counts among Western men have dropped more than 50 percent in the past 40 years. While scientists can't pinpoint an exact explanation, studies have

A Man Who Truly Loves You Will Never Say These 5 Things To You

A man who genuinely loves you will prioritize your feelings and well-being, often refraining from saying hurtful or damaging things. Here are five things a loving partner should never say: 1. Insults and Demeaning Comments. Love should nurture self-esteem,

Men! Here are 5 things women don't want to hear during s*x

Not everyone loves having sex in silence - but talkatives can say nonsense. Sex can be in silence but some people love to talk and conversely say wrong things. During sex, things can get into a frenzy, and people would want to express their affection or how

As a Man, Don't Be Too Quick To Tell A Woman These 3 Things

When communicating with women, it's crucial to be mindful of the impact our words can have. Here are three things men should avoid saying hastily: 1. **"You're overreacting"**: Dismissing a woman's emotions as an overreaction can invalidate her feelings and
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