the 100 season 5 episodes two

Highest Rock in Nigeria: Top 5 Biggest Rocks

If you're up for a challenging hike with breathtaking views as your reward, you'll want to check out the top 5 highest rocks in Nigeria. Top 5 Highest Rocks in NigeriaNigeria is home to some of the tallest rock formations in Africa.

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Garlic Regularly

These benefits were found when participants consumed 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg) of raw crushed garlic twice a day for four weeks. For a 150-pound person, that's equivalent to a little over two cloves.

How unwashed water storage tanks turn disease reservoirs

The Bristols live in the two-bedroom apartment and share two big water tanks with the rest of the neighbours. However, she told our correspondent that since she moved into the compound in 2013, the water tank had not been washed.
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