Uri-Da-Cunha Songs

View all songs by Uri-Da-Cunha and those where Uri-Da-Cunha appeared.

Uti Songs

View all songs by Uti and those where Uti appeared.

Uzi Songs

View all songs by Uzi and those where Uzi appeared.

Protect your PHP script with PHP Firewall

/php-firewall/firewall.php' );define('PHP_FIREWALL_REQUEST_ URI', strip_tags( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] ) ); define('PHP_FIREWALL_ACTIVATION', true ); if ( is_file( @dirname(__FILE__).


I made a rewrite on my url with. CodeRewriteRule ^forum/([0-9]+)/(.*).html$ forum/showtopic.php?id=$1 [L]RewriteRule ^forum/([0-9]+)/(.*).html$ forum/showtopic.php?id=$1 [L]it works but evry urls in the showtopic gives me error...
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