14 Things That Cause Regret at Old Age

Don't waste years of your life in a field that doesn't fulfill you. 11. The name you defamed When you are older, a legacy is very important, the value of your name is crucial.

15 Health Benefits of Eating Okazi Leaves

Adds years to your life:Okazi leaf is like a magic potion of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. It helps keep your body strong and may even help you live longer. We all know that eating healthy foods helps to elongate life. 8.

The History of Education in Nigeria

In comparison, 5.5 million students registered in private primary schools, while 22.2 million students older than six years old enrolled in public primary schools. The pattern for enrollment in secondary schools was obvious.

10 Richest Senators in Nigeria Right Now

Rochas OkorochaAge: 61 years old Net worth: $1.4 Billion Active in Politics Since: 1990s Other sources of income: Rochas Group of Companies, Real Estate State of Origin: Imo State One of the richest senators in Nigeria is the former Governor

The Greatest Nuclear Disasters in Human History

Kyshtym, Russia (1957 - Level 6)The Soviet Union developed hundreds of secret facilities Following World War II. Many of which were quickly and shoddily constructed to increase their nuclear arsenal.
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