
Mista KEN Songs

View all songs by Mista KEN and those where Mista KEN appeared.

DJ Ken Songs

View all songs by DJ Ken and those where DJ Ken appeared.

Ken Erics Songs

View all songs by Ken Erics and those where Ken Erics appeared.

Dear Men, 4 Things Women Value in Men More Than Cash

Women often value kindness in men. Being thoughtful and considerate towards others is more important than having a lot of money. A good sense of humor is also something women appreciate. If a man can make a woman laugh and enjoy time together, it matters more


Two men were caught rapin a girl, they were taken 2 d king. The king ordered them 2 go and bring fruits. The first man came with 10 oranges, the king ordered d guard 2 force all the 10 oranges into his anus. When d 1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th entered, the man was
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