A village in Africa 2

Top 10 African countries with the highest carbon emissions

[th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]CO2 emissions (tonnes)[/th] [th]C02 emissions (per capita)[/th] 1 South Africa 435,928,900 7.34 2 Egypt 249,624,140 2.28 3 Algeria 176,269,070 3.99 4 Nigeria 136,986,780 0.64 5 Libya 74,525,080 11.06 6 Morocco

Dangote is Africa's richest for 7th year in a row

Alhaji Aliko Dangote remains Africa's richest with a net worth of $12.2 billion, according to Forbes. This is an increase of $100 million from his worth last year.Dangote is the continental richest for the seventh year in a row.

Video: Flavour - Ikwokrikwo

2NITE Enter10ment presents the highly anticipated video by Flavour for “Ikwokrikwo“. The sensational video which was shot in South Africa sees Big Brother Africa: The Chase winner Dillish Matthews as Flavours leading lady.

10 most racially diverse countries in Africa

Below are the 10 most racially diverse countries in Africa:[th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]Racial diversity[/th] 1 Liberia 88.9% 2 Uganda 88.3% 3 Togo 88% 5 South Africa 85.6% 6 Chad 85.5% 7 Kenya 85.5% 8 Mali 85.2% 9 Nigeria 85% 10 Guinea-Bissau

Top 10 most important seaports in Africa

From the bustling port cities of Lagos in Nigeria to the strategic hub of Durban in South Africa, Africa hosts several seaports that have become somewhat of a monument in the continent's economic landscape.
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