the opening act

5 Things Your Yawns Might Be Telling You

Yawning or oscitation is an involuntary act of opening the mouth and taking a deep breath of air which is then exhaled. While it is considered a sign of fatigue, it is also viewed as a sign of disrespect in social gatherings.

Comedian Deeone apologizes to Whitemoney

Dee-One then responded by opening fire on Whitemoney outside the house. In the present, Dee-One has made the decision to put the past behind her. He made a video that he said was an apology to Whitemoney.

Constituency Project is Corruption - Obasanjo

Obasanjo said this at the opening of a two-day investment forum organised by the Niger State Government in Minna on Monday. The forum had "Impact of Investing for Advancing Agricultural Economy and Innovation," as its theme.

5 tips for escaping a car sinking underwater

Additionally, an open door will rapidly fill the car with water. Some resources suggest opening the windows before unbuckling. The key is to act swiftly and complete both steps as quickly as possible. 4.

Two fake EFCC staff arrested, another jailed in Lagos

He further confessed that he posed as an employee of the Commission when he carried out the alleged criminal act at the respective bank. However, the second suspect, Amzat, denied any knowledge of the said letters.
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