
Kidnappers have taken over Lagos - DJ Big N raises alarm

Mavin Records disk jockey, Nonso Temisan Ajufo, popularly known as DJ Big N, has raised the alarm over the influx of kidnappers into Lagos State. The music star stated that he can "categorically" confirm that kidnappers are now in the state. He urged residents

Why Soyinka should no longer be taken seriously - Charly Boy

Maverick singer Charly Boy has urged Nigerians not to take Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, seriously. According to him, Soyinka, who turns 90 in a few days, might be suffering from brain deterioration due to ageing. He claimed this could be the reason for his

Signs Of A Dying Person That Should Not Be Taken For Granted

According to Healthline, Death is an inevitable event that will eventually occur in every person's life. However, it is a difficult topic to discuss and acknowledge. Watching someone die can be emotionally draining, and it can be challenging to determine when
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