not all virgins are angels


written in a book & every year when Christmas comes I go and take a look & that is when I realize that these names are a part Not of the book they are written in, but really of my heart. **************** Somehow, not only 4 Christmas But all

How lawmakers underdevelop Nigeria

They do not have the powers of the executive and the judiciary, but if they exercise the powers they have diligently and purposefully, they can enable and entrench good governance. I am also not saying all lawmakers are bad.

Day 27: Time for self re-appraisal, repentance

What have you been doing that you would not want to do again? Would you like to continue doing what you always do in Ramadan? It is indeed a rewarding time. Muslims are expected to be better persons at the end of this month.

Bible Verses That Crush the Enemy

But we can't do this if we are distracted by the enemy and his empty promises. As Christians, it's important that we are mindful of the enemy's presence and his attacks, so that we are not weakened by his false promises, and led to sin.
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