it chapter two

Funke Akindele marks 46th birthday

🏆 Keep Winning and showing us all it's possible only if we believe and work towards it!❤️," Enioluwa wrote. Kiekie wrote, "Happy bithday mama. God has given you the grace to be great and you'll never fall short of that grace in Jesus name.

It's Good Night To PDP Forever- Obasanjo

According to a statement by Tunde Arosanyin of the Zero Hunger in Africa in Abuja on Saturday, it was just a coincidence that the two meetings were holding at the same venue.

Ribadu Returns To APC, As Atiku Kicks

It was all about Ribadu, a source said. The source, a member of the NWC, said: "We were all shocked that the ex-VP came with the governor and two others to prevail on the leadership of the party not to readmit Ribadu into APC.
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