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Why do footballers cover their mouths when they are talking?

As far as habits go, professional footballers sure do have some weird ones. Spitting is one, as is the slapstick tumble knee-hug 'ouch that hurt' roll, and of course, sliding on the ground with arms in the air. But fans watching the World Cup have noticed

This is what to do if you ever have food poisoning

Recognising the symptoms and knowing how to treat food poisoning is crucial for a prompt and effective response to this common health issue. Food poisoning is a prevalent health concern that can affect anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle. In Nigeria, where

"What did broke men ever do to you?" - Taymesan to Nigerian women

Notable podcaster, Taymesan laments the constant humiliation of 'broke men' at the hands of Nigerian women while quizzing the genesis of the issue. In a recent video shared by the content creator on Instagram, he questioned Nigerian women regarding their experiences
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