Photos: Deacon Mistakenly Chrome Casts Porn Video He Was Watching On The Church's TV Monitor In The Middle Of Service!!!

Photos: Deacon Mistakenly Chrome Casts Porn Video He Was Watching On The Church's TV Monitor In The Middle Of Service!!!

Stranger things have happened but this recent occurrence in a church in was the height of crazy trends. During a candlelight service on the eve of Christmas, a church somewhere in Barbados, in course of displaying hymns to be sang, the whole congregation was surprised to see porn videos on the screen.

According to a twitter user who made the story public, she said "My mum comes home and is like Kaila. I have to tell you what happened today!"

"As we go on to praise the Lord, then I noticed people's countenance in the congregation changed, they were gaping and looking embarrassed, then i turned around and saw this", Kaila's mum said.

However, according to Kaila, the computers and the TV screens was a donation from charity to the church but it looks like it was used for not so good purposes.

See tweet to story:

Anyway, she goes on to tell me how they were singing and praising the lord. Then they notice people in the audience are gasping and looking hella embarrassed. She turns around and sees this
- im bald (@__faexo) December 24, 2017


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