Okon, The Wisest Student Ever

Teacher: What is a Verb?
Okon: A Verb is a valve
found in
bicycle tyre.
Teacher: What are you saying?
Okon: It is a complete
sentence sir.
Teacher: Are you mad?
Okon: It is a question
sir. Teacher: Don't be stupid.
Okon: It is an advice sir.
Teacher: Stop that
Okon: It is a command
sir. Teacher: You're an idiot.
Okon: It is an insult sir.
Teacher: Get out of my
Okon: It is an order sir.
Teacher: Oh! Goodness, What a
Okon: It is an
exclamation sir.
Teacher: May God have
mercy on you.
Okon: It is a prayer sir..

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