Every Single Mother Made A Wrong Choice- Lola Alao

Every Single Mother Made A Wrong Choice- Lola Alao

Delectable actress, Lola Alao who has a teen daughter with her ex-husband says every single mother out there made a wrong choice and they are yet to get to their final destination. Here's a chat she had with Vanguard'

There seem to be many single mothers in the Yoruba sector of the industry, what is the reason for that?

I think it has to do with making the wrong choice. I will say they haven't gotten to their final destination that is why they are single mothers.

Does that apply to you too?

Yes, I think every single mother you see made a wrong choice.

What is your relationship with the father of your child?

I will keep saying that the father of my daughter is the best. He is kindhearted and he is a very good person. Forget whatever he might have said about me out of annoyance, we have a very good relationship.


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